Albert Zimmer : El asesino de los sentidos

Post by Edebé
Publisher : Edebé Categories : Teen & Young Adult Author Name : Beatriz Os Original Language : Spain Rights sold in : lban Barrenetxea

Publisher : Edebé

Category : Teen & Young Adult

Author Name : Beatriz Os

Original Language : Spain

Rights sold in : lban Barrenetxea

Paperback : 204 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468355399

Dimensions : 14 × 21 cm

My name is Albert. I began to suspect that my parents were monsters long before I met Berta Vogler. I probably fooled myself throughout that time. No one in their right mind would have been happy to grow up with bloodthirsty parents. So I tried to ignore certain details of my family DNA until Erik Vogler appeared in my life and contributed to question my nature and my own origins. Although if it hadn’t been for him, maybe I wouldn’t have discovered the demons around me. A call from superintendent Roth takes Albert out of his criminology studies in Amsterdam and send him back to Bremen. Two teenagers have died and, given the traits surrounding the crimes, his cooperation will be very helpful...

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