Se buscan héroes

Post by Edebé
Publisher : Edebé Categories : Teen & Young Adult Author Name : Paloma Mui Original Language : Spain

Publisher : Edebé

Category : Teen & Young Adult

Author Name : Paloma Mui

Original Language : Spain

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 172 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468355917

Dimensions : 13 × 20.5 cm

Carmen looked up on her computer the advertisement she had seen on the school bulletin board. It was called “Everyday heroes wanted’ and encouraged people to tell a story of everyday heroism in a competition offering forty thousand euros to the winner. On the home page of the website she found photos on both sides that referred to the texts. She randomly clicked on one that looked old: it showed a young boy hugging a dog. The dog was wearing an eye patch. In the text, a girl was telling the story of her boyfriend. For Carmen, it was clear that people were going to try to win the contest by being melodramatic. However, she didn’t want to be pitiful. No one-eyed dogs or sick children, just the plain and simple truth.

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