Publisher : Edebé
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Pepe Maest
Illustrated by : Claudia Ranucci
Original Language : Spain
Rights sold in :
Hardcover : 32 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468362922
Dimensions : 15 x 19 cm
Today at Liria's house there has been a water leak, what a chaos! And how distressing her parents are. When Liria goes to bed, she chooses the clown to travel to dreamland. He will take her on a trip with his helium balloons to a circus where the audience cries without knowing why, filling the main arena with water. Luckily, the clown's coat is full of objects that will make the audience laugh.
Children's Books
Publisher : Edebé
Language :
By : Edebé
Children's Books
Publisher : Edebé
Language :
Rights Sold : MEXICO
By : Edebé