A Comic Biography of World Famous people in History(24 voluemes)

Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd. Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Little Newton Team Illustrated by : Little Newton Team Original Language : Taiwan Rights sold in : CHINA(Simplified Chinese )

Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Little Newton Team

Illustrated by : Little Newton Team

Original Language : Taiwan

Rights sold in : CHINA(Simplified Chinese )

Paperback : 112 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6267190371

Dimensions : 17x23.5

Featuring 24 famous men and women of the world, narrating
their stories through comics. In addition to feature stories
and narratives are questions and answers, explanations and
timelines at the end of the book, allowing the reader to have a
more comprehensive understanding of the featured person.

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