Publisher : Edebé
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Pepe Maest
Illustrated by : Claudia Ranucci
Original Language : Spain
Rights sold in :
Hardcover : 32 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468362939
Dimensions : 15 x 19 cm
One of the lamp dies is a bat and Liria is afraid of bats. Ramon, her grandfather, tells her that bats are actually very beneficial. That night the lamp bat, also named Ramon, sneaks into Liria’s bed, but he doesn't like the way humans sleep, he thinks is not comfortable at all. Ramon will fly Liria away to show her how he and his friends sleep. Swinging upside down, like on a trapeze, with her new friends, Liria will fall asleep.
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Publisher : Beijing Bangson Culture Co.,Ltd.
Language :
Rights Sold : HongKong, Macao, Taiwan
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Language :