Publisher : Edebé
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Carme Dolz
Illustrated by : Esther Méndez
Original Language : Spain
Rights sold in :
Hardcover : 32 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468351551
Dimensions : 21.5 x 25 cm
The perfect book to discover how vaccines work. You will understand what happens inside your body when you get sick, know the difference between virus and germ, and find out how to fight them and... beat them! Readers will learn through text, illustration and also by doing the activities.
The value of vaccines, the systematic immunization as a base of a resilient health system. The book underlines the need to support general immunizations while addressing gaps, especially by investing more in vaccines.
Children's Books
Publisher : Ungu Pen
Language :
Children's Books
Publisher : Beijing Arcadia Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
Language :