Post by Edebé
Publisher : Edebé Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Mireia Sán Illustrated by : Litos (Carles Puig) Original Language : Spain

Publisher : Edebé

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Mireia Sán

Illustrated by : Litos (Carles Puig)

Original Language : Spain

Rights sold in :

Hardcover : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468350202

Dimensions : 20 × 21 cm

One day Mr. Fidel finds a balloon and decides to adopt it. Together they share many everyday moments and are happy. Until after a movie and popcorn session, the balloon begins to deflate little by little and, no matter how much Mr. Fidel tries, there is nothing to cheer him up again. He only gets it when he lets it fly freely into the sky. Mr. Fidel says goodbye but soon finds a replacement when he sees a kite stuck in a tree.

Pdf : Download chapter

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