Autumn Disrupt

Post by Mocca Group
Mocca Group
Publisher : Mocca Group Categories : LGBTQ+ Author Name : Sirirat Meesilp Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Mocca Group

Category : LGBTQ+

Author Name : Sirirat Meesilp

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 243 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169417200

Dimensions :

Seiji can see only in black and white. In addition, if he does not find a soulmate who truly loves him when he turns 30, he will be blind. One day, Seiji walked back to his bookstore opposite the public park. He had acute blindness while crossing the street. Until a man helped him cross the road to safety. But when Seiji's eyesight returned to normal, he couldn't see the man who had saved him.

The city park hosts an autumn festival. Seiji heard the voice of Ryota, a performer. Seiji recognized the voice as the voice of the person who led him down the street when he was blind. So he rushed over to look, and when their eyes met, Seiji suddenly saw colors. He immediately knew that the young man on the stage was his soulmate.

But Seiji didn't accept Ryota's love. Because it felt like they were very different. They are almost 10 years apart in age and have very different preferences. However, Seiji would be blind forever if he did not accept this love.

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