
Publisher : Patrick Rangsimant Categories : LGBTQ+ Author Name : Patrick Rangsimant Illustrated by : Mocon Original Language : Thailand Rights sold in : TV series to Artop production (Thai - Chinese company)

Publisher : Patrick Rangsimant

Category : LGBTQ+

Author Name : Patrick Rangsimant

Illustrated by : Mocon

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in : TV series to Artop production (Thai - Chinese company)

Paperback : 512 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : not yet published

Dimensions : 5 x 8 inches

Pipe finds that his boyfriend, Newt, has disappeared and has been replaced by a new Newt. He suspects that this is the work of the mysterious guy who has come to replace Newt, but in reality, he’s the one who has traveled from other parallel worlds.

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