
Publisher : Satapornbooks Categories : Fiction Author Name : LuaAimei Illustrated by : KAMUI710 Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Satapornbooks

Category : Fiction

Author Name : LuaAimei

Illustrated by : KAMUI710

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 384 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6160047284

Dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm


Seven years ago, the truth about the heartthrob “Plai” was exposed that he is not straight. Overwhelmed by scandals coming from all directions, the ex-rising star had to detour his acting career path from being the main characters to supporting roles so he could still pay the bills and fill his fridge. After years of enduring the tough roads, eventually, the chance to regain his fortune has knocked on his door. He sees opportunities in joining the renowned reality show called “Battle Buddy” where the stories of most of the famous shipped couples begin! Initially, Plai merely intended to appear in the show for just a few episodes to boost up the number of his followers; yet unexpectedly, “Kimhan,” a member of a famous boy band, was also invited to join the show. That should have earned Plai a golden ticket to the moon for making an appearance beside such a popular actor like this, but rumor has it that Kimhan is an extreme homophobic! Will Plai ever survive throughout the whole program?

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