Publisher : Satapornbooks
Category : Fiction
Author Name : ออเฟียส
Illustrated by : KAMUI710
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 384 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6160048083
Dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm
Some people on the Insee Island believe that the production team are officials in disguise tracking down the narcotics smugglers, and that almost gets the famous actor ‘Ming-mueang’ killed during his stay on the island for filming. Though accidents–like how he fell off a jet-ski so hard that it got his ears popped–happen to him multiple times on the production sites that are supposed to be safe and sound, there is still a silver lining. At the hospital on the island, Ming-mueang always quarrels with ‘Nam-ning,’ a young doctor with a straight face and a sharp tongue, every time they meet up. As their verbal fights continue, Ming-mueang finds himself developing symptoms, from ears popping to heart being robbed.
Publisher : JT Publishing House Sdn Bhd
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Rights Sold : Indonesia, English, Arabic
Publisher : Aries Books; No Edition Stated
Language :
Publisher : Phatcharaphorn Ditthabumrung
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