Publisher : Pass@kids
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Thari Thira
Illustrated by : Mongkol Wancham
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 24 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6163785824
Dimensions : 20.32*20.32
In a fast-paced world where everyone spends their free time in front of screens, the book encourages parents to introduce their children to natural environments like forests, waterfalls, and seas. This exposure helps children learn to appreciate nature and coexist harmoniously with people, animals, plants, and other living beings. The story of Pong-Pang's trip to the forest includes exciting activities like observing insects, watching birds, and appreciating nature. It also teaches practical skills like setting up tents, gathering firewood for cooking, and extinguishing fires responsibly.
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