Brown Girl, Brown Girl Hasn't Anyone?

Publisher : Archway Publishers Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Michele Jeanmarie Illustrated by : Aaron Herrera Original Language : United States Rights sold in : None

Publisher : Archway Publishers

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Michele Jeanmarie

Illustrated by : Aaron Herrera

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in : None

Paperback : 29 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1665748803

Dimensions : 8 x 12

A hot topic and the nexus to the two-book series is immigration, which delves into the five themes of geography. Whether it is place, location, religion, relationship, or movement, "Brown Girl, Brown Girl, and Hasn't Anyone" looks deeply into these. 

Chela had problems sleeping. On nights such as these, Daddy took her for a stroll along the breakwaters of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, her inquisitive mind took on a world of its own. Questions of the waves, the moon, and the ocean abound. 

Chela, the daughter of a Hindu and French Caribbean man, was born in Panama. Central to the global economy, the canal was a hot topic. Chela moved to the United States, where, again, she is faced with a conundrum of race relations. 

It is slightly shorter than the memoir, but it is illustrated. It is scaffolded for students with differing abilities, hence a two-book series. 

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