Dear Maxi

Publisher : Editorial El Pirata Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Mar Pavón Illustrated by : Gemma Zaragüeta Gómez Original Language : United States Rights sold in : US, CA, UK, AU, NZ, AFR & ASIA X PR

Publisher : Editorial El Pirata

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Mar Pavón

Illustrated by : Gemma Zaragüeta Gómez

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in : US, CA, UK, AU, NZ, AFR & ASIA X PR

Paperback : 40 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8417210007

Dimensions : 29.85 x 1.02 x 20.96 cm

Maxi is a lucky kid: His mother is a tale writer and his father an illustrator. One day, he invents his own tale. It becomes magic  as each time someone reads it, the story changes...

Dear Maxi is a magical book full of originality and tenderness. It shows a personal and exciting moment like sharing a tale with  your kids.

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