Publisher : Editorial El Pirata
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Javi Costa
Original Language : United States
Rights sold in : CA, UK, AU, NZ, AFR & ASIA X PR
Paperback : 22 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8417210014
Dimensions :
A story about diversity. No one is perfect, and we must accept others as they are. A little turtle called Lula is new at school. She realises her classmates laugh at her because she is so slow. The teacher realises it, too, and starts a game to show that all of them have virtues and imperfections. He teaches them that no one is perfect and we have to respect each other. After all, we are so different, so equal.
Children's Books
Publisher : Melody Publishing Co., Ltd.
Language :
By : Melody Publishing
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Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.
Language :
Rights Sold : CHINA( (simplified Chinese)), Vietnam
By : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.(小牛頓科學教育有限公司)