Thatha at School

Publisher : Pickle Yolk Books Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Richa Jha Illustrated by : Gautam Benegal Original Language : United States

Publisher : Pickle Yolk Books

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Richa Jha

Illustrated by : Gautam Benegal

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9352120871

Dimensions : 279 x 222 x 4, 230 gm

It is Grandparents Day at school. Little Oviyam is embarrassed at her dhoti-wearing thatha. She tries her best to convince Thatha to skip the day. She even excuses herself from his side so no one will know he is her thatha. Will Oviyam own up to her thatha? Richa Jha’s light, breezy words are playfully illustrated by Gautam Benegal.

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