See you tomorrow

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited Categories : Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Author Name : Pimpaka Chochan Illustrated by : Maipai Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited

Category : Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Author Name : Pimpaka Chochan

Illustrated by : Maipai

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 449 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169431275

Dimensions : A5 (14.3 x 21 cm.)

Idea: Everyone has a demon within them.  You can either control it or let it control you.

Logline:  Lei, someone close unexpectedly became unspeakably evil to him repeatedly until he cannot mentally tolerate it, the dark side and distortion of the mind surface.  He no longer cared about goodness, morality, or the law. He left it all behind without turning back.  Lei made all kinds of plans to bring back all that he had lost, even the cost is someone’s life.  They all deserve it.

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