Perfect Evidence

Publisher : Categories : Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Author Name : Raiden.txt Illustrated by : Putu Diclara Devi Original Language : Indonesia

Publisher :

Category : Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Author Name : Raiden.txt

Illustrated by : Putu Diclara Devi

Original Language : Indonesia

Rights sold in :

Digital Access Code : 0 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : -

Dimensions :

Who wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly found a tape containing a request for help because he was about to be killed? Valerian and Amarsa have lives as normal architecture students. That normal life disappeared in an instant when Valerian and Amarsa got a tape containing a recording of a woman named Meredith asking for help because she was going to be killed. How will the two uncover the truth behind the tape?




consist of 54 chapters

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