Imprisoned Love

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited Categories : Romance Author Name : Nattawadee Charoenruay Illustrated by : PayoonYim Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited

Category : Romance

Author Name : Nattawadee Charoenruay

Illustrated by : PayoonYim

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 338 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169433453

Dimensions : A5 (14.3 x 21 cm.)

Idea:  People who once held deep resentments towards each other can also make appease and reconcile.

Logline:  Grit, a young man with bright future was framed and imprisoned.  When acquitted he seek revenge from Mekha, the major drug dealer, by using Melani, Mekha’s beloved sister. Grit genuinely fell for Melani.  How will this revenge and Melani’s faith end when he must choose between love and hatred.


Grit:  A man filled with anger and resentment from being framed and became the scapegoat in a drug deal.   He is smart, clever, a playboy who is very faithful to love.  He has passion towards cars and own a company importing cars.

Melani:  A beautiful, naïve young girl who seems vulnerable but has a strong mind.  She loves her child and is willing to fight with anyone who hurt her child.

Pine:  A chubby, bright and cheerful little girl.  Only Grit can hold her.

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