
Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited Categories : Romance Author Name : Pimpaka Chochan Illustrated by : Maipai Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited

Category : Romance

Author Name : Pimpaka Chochan

Illustrated by : Maipai

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 409 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169433446

Dimensions : A5 (14.3 x 21 cm.)

Idea: One person may be insignificant to many, but that same person could be the most important to someone else.

Logline: Meena, who has never been noticed by anyone in her household, is overlooked by everyone, including her family. No one pays attention to her feelings. One day, after enduring everything that life has thrown at her, she decides to live life on her own terms. She takes herself to where she wants to be. Eventually, she encounters someone who transforms her from a nobody into somebody important.

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