Crazy Girl (2 volumes)

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited Categories : Romance Author Name : Phenprapha Sridamat Illustrated by : Pattarameya Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited

Category : Romance

Author Name : Phenprapha Sridamat

Illustrated by : Pattarameya

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 1437 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169441106

Dimensions :

Tagline: The anklet she has with her since childhood, brought KhorChan back to the period of Krungsri-Ayudhya Mahanakorn, the city that is at its downfall. Here was where KhorChan met Khun Narathorn Phakdee, a young nobleman who is unmarried. He is the one who can help her solve the mystery of her true origin.

Goal of the story: Dreams often indicate who we are and our relationship with others. Sometimes dreaming repeatedly about the same thing can be a hint of something, something buried deep in our consciousness for us to search for, to know what has been erased over time.

Summary: If you are soulmates, even if there are reasons for separation, fate will bring them back together. As the saying goes, soulmates will always be soulmates, they are inseparable. KhorChan and Khun Narathornpakdi are no exception.

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