Frist Peonies

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited Categories : Romance Author Name : Sukanya Donphaiyam Illustrated by : Trim-Pa-Tee Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited

Category : Romance

Author Name : Sukanya Donphaiyam

Illustrated by : Trim-Pa-Tee

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 333 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169431220

Dimensions : A5 (14.3 x 21 cm.)

Theme : An adolescent girl’s first love is filled with obsessions, infatuation but always as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Premise and big idea : In a young girls’ world, they all seek for great love or a perfect part like a price charming. In reality, all women hope that man will be a good person, if he is rich and handsome, that’s a bonus .... Afterall, everyone will always wish to meet the prince of their dreams.

Logline : Korawee is considered a lucky girl who has captured the heart of Akapasu, a real-life prince charming. Her love for him is filled with obsession, infatuation and completely devoted to him. From a poor family, the girl grown up to be a lady worthy for the rich man’s world without expecting anything in return. Except for his loving heart.


Akpasu Gaia Rossi, CEO of The Conqueror Worldwide, the world’s largest hotel chain. He is a handsome man like a demigod. But he is a ‘predator’ that people in the business world whisper to each other as ‘the most terrifying’. He is rich and…wait for it. But a more correct definition for him is ‘he kills and knows how to kill’.

Kanwee, or Sun, a first-generation girl who was caught and became a child in his custody, with Akpasu himself having no choice but to pity the necessity. She is a restless person, lacks education, but never lets anyone look down on the value of her heart.


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