Publisher : Wali Publishing Company Limited
Category : Romance
Author Name : Sukanya Donphaiyam
Illustrated by : Trim-Pa-Tee
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 694 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169433491
Dimensions : A5 (14.3 x 21 cm.)
Theme: Why Do All Good Things Come to an End? Discover the meaning of life according to Buddhist teachings: “Non-attachment is the ultimate truth.”
Premise and Big Idea: How good would it be if life achieved the highest success in every aspect? But what if it came at the cost of selling one’s soul? A pact, a covenant between a satan and a human, presided over by a single condition. Every desire can come true just draw it out as vividly as possible and then affirm that you wish it to have life, that you want it to be real. That’s when magical wonders occur.
Logline: Rome, a Thai advertising executive, takes his shattered life to start anew in Myanmar after inheriting a mystical legacy from a previously unknown Thai artist. His new life is complete with blessings, but every success he achieves will not merely be a drawn image it will be alive. Even with a newfound love, he must invest everything to ensure it lasts forever.
Publisher : Pasrasaa Publishing
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By : Pasrasaa Publishing
Publisher : Pasrasaa Publishing
Language :
By : Pasrasaa Publishing
Publisher : Pasrasaa Publishing
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By : Pasrasaa Publishing