Post by Salmon Books
Salmon Books
Publisher : Salmon Books Categories : Biographies & Memoirs Author Name : Thanachart Siripatrachai Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Salmon Books

Category : Biographies & Memoirs

Author Name : Thanachart Siripatrachai

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 128 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6162985669

Dimensions : 14.5 x 14.5 cm.

• Originally written in English

Explore the realm of human connections and how we perceive the world through languages in The Meaningful Strangers, a captivating compilation of conversations between an Asian man encountering English vocabulary challenges and mysterious English-speaking strangers.

While attending a film school in the bustling city of New York, Thanachart Siripatrachai developed a habit of reading on the subway. Whenever faced with unfamiliar words, instead of consulting a translation app, he opted for a personal approach. Thanachart would turn to the stranger next to him and engaged them in conversations, seeking explanations for the meanings and practical usage of the puzzling words. Each encounter unfolded a mix of accurate and amusing interpretations, revealing not just dictionary definitions but the rich nuances of language use in everyday life. 

The Meaningful Strangers captures the essence of these enlightening exchanges, showcasing the beauty of language learning through genuine human connections.

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