Publisher : Salmon Books
Category : Biographies & Memoirs
Author Name : Jung
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 108 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6167623207
Dimensions : 10 x 10"
A book for all the Jimmy Liao fans!
Step into a unique realm of love with this illustration novel that draws parallels between our moments of love and the world of animals.
In the gaze of our lover, we could be an owl diligently studying languages, attempting to decipher their thoughts. Perhaps we take on the role of a dog with the ability to express our affection through every action but saying “I love you”. And at times, we may resemble a mythical creature, elusive and hidden in the depths of the woods, much like the elusive nature of love.
Indulge in a fresh perspective on love through the lens of this enchanting graphic novel accompanied by brief yet profoundly evocative texts. Each story captures the essence of love—touching and emotional. Ideal for those in the throes of love, mending a broken heart, or simply missing someone dear.
Biographies & Memoirs
Publisher : Praphansarn Publishing
Language :