Publisher : Salmon Books
Category : Biographies & Memoirs
Author Name : Patikal Phakguy
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 224 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6162985720
Dimensions : 5 x 7.2”
For the curious readers itching to know what happens backstage before a book hits the shelves!
Unlock the secrets of bookmaking with Sal-Aryman, a journal by Patikal Phakguy, the current Editor-in-Chief of Salmon Books. With a whopping 12 years at Thailand’s leading publishing house, Patikal spills the ink on the step-by-step guide to making a book. From the hunt for the perfect manuscripts to unearthing hidden gems of writers, and the art of crafting outlines, designing gripping covers, and conjuring up the ideal title. Experience the thrill of the editing room, the fascinating printing press, and the sheer joy of holding the final masterpiece in your hands.
Meet the unsung heroes of the process, catch intriguing fun facts about bookmaking, and witness the delightful journal that's a must-read for every bookworm out there!
Biographies & Memoirs
Language :
Rights Sold : -
Biographies & Memoirs
Publisher : Praphansarn Publishing
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