he Scientific Little Chef (4 volumes)

Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd. Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Little Newton Team Illustrated by : Little Newton Team Original Language : Taiwan

Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Little Newton Team

Illustrated by : Little Newton Team

Original Language : Taiwan

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 112 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6267190593

Dimensions : 19×25

Modern society pays more and more attention to food safety issues, and the trend of self-cooking is gradually rising. "The Scientific Little Chef: Healthy Breakfast" is a book that allows parents and children to challenge various home-cooked dishes from simple to advanced, learn how to eat healthier, and master the scientific knowledge contained in cooking. This book contains 12 delicious dishes. Readers can easily follow the cooking steps and learn about Chinese and Western cooking methods, as well as various common pots and pans. Understand the nutrients contained in food ingredients to ensure a healthier diet. Moreover, each dish contains scientific principles and is presented to readers in an easy-to-understand manner through detailed illustrations.

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