Publisher : Pickle Yolk Books
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Richa Jha
Illustrated by : Gautam Benegal
Original Language : United States
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 32 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9352678136
Dimensions : 254 x 186 x 4, 250 gm
When Noorie’s sister, Zoya, dies, Noorie’s world grows silent. Zoya is gone forever. But Mummy keeps telling silly lies that Zoya will always be around. And Zoya’s best friend, Dhara, just won’t leave Noorie alone. Richa Jha’s spare text keeps this tale poignant, believable, and full of hope. Gautam Benegal evokes the sisters’ warmth and Noorie’s grief.
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