Publisher : Taylor And Francis
Category : Education & Reference
Author Name : Bertrand Russell
Original Language : United Kingdom
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 268 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1032312293
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Bertrand Russell wrote The Analysis of Mind during one of the most turbulent periods of his life. He began it in 1918 whilst in in prison in London for his opposition to the First World War, and completed it in Peking (now Beijing) in 1921, where he had been giving lectures at the National University.
It is a vital book for understanding Russell's philosophy. He argues for a fresh conception of the mind, provided by his eclectic fusion of William James’s 'neutral monism'; the emerging theory of behaviourism, to which Russell was strongly drawn; and his own new causal theory of meaning. As such, The Analysis of Mind built a foundation for the distinctive brand of much of his later philosophical writing. In his customary sharp prose, Russell explores fundamental questions about the mind, including desire and feeling; the vexed relationship between psychological and physical laws; sensations and mental images; memory; belief; and emotions and the will.
This Routledge Classics edition includes an Introduction by Thomas Baldwin.
Education & Reference
Publisher : Bookmark
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Rights Sold : None
Education & Reference
Publisher : ASTA ILMU Publishing Indonesia
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Education & Reference
Publisher : UUM PRESS
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