Publisher : I Draw&travel Publishing
Category : Short Stories
Author Name : Rongrong Hussarang
Illustrated by : Rongrong Hussarang
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Hardcover : 168 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169350002
Dimensions : Width 15 cms x Length 21 cms x height 1.5 cms
I draw&travel is a series of non-fiction travel books whihc is illustrated by a Thai author - Rongrong Hussarang.
I draw&travel Volume 1 is the first book which was firstly published in 2021, and 4 times of re-printed publishing ( lastest in 2023).
The author has been traveled in India several times and she recorded her journey with texts and drawing. Not big cities or famous travelling spots were her destination but small towns, villages, or small corner in the big cities. The reader will learn the notions, cutures, belives, and lifestyle of India locals and enjoy with arts of story - telling of author.
The hightlight of this jouranal is the south of India - Tamil Nadu state which has less asian tourist but rich of cultures. The author's experience in "Chetinad" (the abandoned town) is none of tourist but the author found lots of interesting stories.
Varanasi, a sacred city, but there is another dimension hidden under those ancient traditons and cultures. The journey reflects the situation of current society problems of Indian which less people from outside would know.
Mumbai, Jaipur, Delhi, Kollkata are big cities that the author has been and her met lots of small people and small issues which are tourists overlook.
Short Stories
Publisher : Salmon Books
Language :
By : Salmon Books