Come On! Stop Overthinking

Publisher : Springbooks Categories : Short Stories Author Name : Kidmakk. Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Springbooks

Category : Short Stories

Author Name : Kidmakk.

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 180 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6161850159

Dimensions : 11.4 x 16.4 x 1 CM

A bestseller from Kidmakk, one of the most popular self-help writer in Thailand.
2.7M+ Followers on Twitter.
50,000+ copies sold

A guide to become best friend with joy and sorrow, through love and living.
Those joy and sorrow, are not experienced by only ourselves.
There are millions of people, who smiled and cried over the same things we face.

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