Publisher : Ford Street Publishing
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : CANDIDA BA
Original Language : Australia
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 32 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1925272031
Dimensions :
It’s every little girl’s dream to be a ballerina, right? Well, not for Belinda, the ninja ballerina. Enrolled in ballet classes against her will, Belinda would take a headstand over a pirouette any day. But nobody will actually listen to Belinda’s protests that she wants to be a ninja, not a ballerina. That is until Belinda stages a one-girl protest and demands her rights. Her teacher has to put her thinking cap on and finally comes up with a solution that will keep everybody happy.
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Language :
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Language :
Rights Sold : Castilian Complex Chinese Czech French German Hebrew Italian Japanese Norwegian Polish Romanian Russian Serbian Simplified Chinese Slovak Swedish Turkish Ukrainia
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Publisher : Melody Publishing Co., Ltd.
Language :
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