Inventions that changed the world (8 volumes)

Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd. Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Little Newton Team Illustrated by : Little Newton Team Original Language : Taiwan Rights sold in : CHINA(Simplified Chinese )

Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Little Newton Team

Illustrated by : Little Newton Team

Original Language : Taiwan

Rights sold in : CHINA(Simplified Chinese )

Paperback : 88 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6267190166

Dimensions : 18.5×23.5

With 80 major inventions in human history, science knowledge is transmitted through rich scientific pictures and diagrams. children can operate and experiment with their own hands to learn how to explore the world with the methods of scientists. Just like STEAM's original spirit, it fosters children's creativity and problem-solving ability.

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