Playground Circus

Publisher : Ford Street Publishing Categories : Children's Books Author Name : CHRISSY BY Original Language : Australia

Publisher : Ford Street Publishing

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : CHRISSY BY

Original Language : Australia

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1925804188

Dimensions :

The sun’s out – let’s go to the park!


A family visit to the playground becomes a circus extravaganza. This little girl can do anything, if only her mum would look up from her phone and join in the fun.


A gently amusing story about the magic of imaginative play and what we miss when we’re not paying attention.


Uniquely written through the eyes of a child growing up in a technologically driven society, Playground Circus encourages imaginative play while showcasing the limitless possibilities of a young, creative mind.

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