Sophie La Belle and the Miniature Cities

Publisher : Literal Publishing Categories : Fiction Author Name : Gisela Heffes Original Language : United States

Publisher : Literal Publishing

Category : Fiction

Author Name : Gisela Heffes

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 100 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1942307198

Dimensions :

Gisela Heffes is the heiress to the magical metafictions of Italo Calvino and the labyrinthine artistry of Jorge Luis Borges. In Sophie La Belle and the Miniature Cities, Heffes has conjured a dazzling post-modern fairytale that delights and inspires as it slowly reveals its tender mysteries. A writer of enormous talent and grace, Gisela Heffes guides her reader on a harrowing journey through a series of extraordinary realms as she dares to question the nature of politics and civilization. With Sophie La Belle and the Miniature Cities, Gisela Heffes has distinguished herself as a storyteller, a philosopher and a sorceress. I suspect I shall be reading her stories for a lifetime. Amber Dermont, New York Times Bestselling author of The Starboard Sea and Damage Control

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