
Publisher : Categories : Fiction Author Name : Johanes Jonaz Original Language : Indonesia

Publisher :

Category : Fiction

Author Name : Johanes Jonaz

Original Language : Indonesia

Rights sold in :

Digital Access Code : 0 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : -

Dimensions :

If you ask me, how do I love Mruwak, then I will invite you to sit in my hut, at the foot of Mount Wilis. With a cup of coffee I took from the forest and a piece of boiled cassava. I'll tell you my story. The story of the love of a warok and a small child towards the village of their birth. Their love is the same, but the way they love him is different. Like the puppeteer behind the screen, Wongso Ngadiman makes small children into the main characters for a big show. Yes, a show full of blood and sacrifice as big as Mount Wilis for a noble cause.

I, Nyai Mruwak, will take you to a place you have never imagined.





consist of 35 chapters

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