The Sky So Near

Publisher : Woman Publisher Categories : Fiction Author Name : Pensri Kiengsiri Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Woman Publisher

Category : Fiction

Author Name : Pensri Kiengsiri

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 549 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6165101325

Dimensions :

“Papa, isn’t it a pity we don’t have blackbirds here?” Hong Chuan felt a sharp pain inside. He never forgot how he often asked Ladda to join him and Chet in listening to those blackbirds. They sang such beautiful songs in Tak Bai. What was she doing now? After they parted, how did she feel when she heard the blackbirds sing?

National Book Prize runner-up, The Sky So Near by Thailand’s National Artist Pensri Kiengsiri is a rich tapestry of turn-of-the-century Malaya. When wayward Ladda is married off in a rush to gentlemanly Hong Chuan and Thak marries the loving Putsorn, they know nothing of the hardship and heartache to come. This historical romance saga tugs on all the right heartstrings. A testament to determination and human resilience

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