Publisher :
Category : Fiction
Author Name : Putu Felisia
Original Language : Indonesia
Rights sold in :
Digital Access Code : 0 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : -
Dimensions :
Yasmin, Ketut, Komang, and Arumi.
We never know, which is more wrong? Born as Chinese, or born as a woman?
We only remember that veranda … where we gathered on Chinese New Year. Not a veranda in a replica of the ceremony, or a veranda that was destroyed by angry figures.
However, life must go on. Likewise, restrictive traditions and societal egoism are controlled by political interests.
Sometimes we wonder, why are we the ones who have to endure all the blood and tears? Why are we the ones bearing all the shame?
Does the world really only belong to men and winners?
consist of 24 chapters
been read 9.42K times
available at
Publisher : JT Publishing House Sdn Bhd
Language :
Rights Sold : Indonesia, English, Arabic
Publisher : JT Publishing House Sdn Bhd
Language :
Rights Sold : Indonesia, English, Arabic