All the Things You've Sacrificed

Publisher : Categories : Fiction Author Name : Aulia Musla Illustrated by : Deskarina Sulistyana Original Language : Indonesia

Publisher :

Category : Fiction

Author Name : Aulia Musla

Illustrated by : Deskarina Sulistyana

Original Language : Indonesia

Rights sold in :

Digital Access Code : 0 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : -

Dimensions :

Pursuing a career as a lecturer on campus is the dream of most postgraduate graduates. Likewise, Hanun, who planned his dream of becoming a young doctor by continuing his studies abroad.

Unfortunately, Riz, the only son of the puppet who is not yet three years old, is experiencing developmental delays. Riz must be treated immediately before more serious problems arise.

As a mother, Hanun must be willing to postpone her career for the sake of her child. When he had made up his mind to resign so he could optimally monitor his son's growth and development, a bigger household storm came without him expecting it.




consist of 17 chapters

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