Publisher : Ungu Pen
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Maria Mahat
Illustrated by : Karlina Vivi
Original Language : Singapore
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 28 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9811427938
Dimensions : 21.5 cm by 14 cm
Siri Teroka (The Explorer Series) consists of two titles:
1) Aqil dan Inara ke Angkasa Lepas (Aqil and Inara go to Outer Space)
Follow Aqil and Inara on an imaginative exploration to outer space.
2) Aqil dan Inara ke Lautan Dalam (Aqil and Inara go to the Deepest part of the Ocean)
Follow Aqil and Inara on an imaginative exploration of Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean.
Details: Paperback
Size: 21.5 cm x 14 cm
Language: Malay
Binding: Saddle Stitch
Extent: 28 pp
Age: Preschool to Grade 2
Release: 2022, 2024 (reprint)
Special Feature: Dyslexie Font (extent) and Rounded Edges
RRP: SGD 10.00 / Euro 6.90/ USD 7.55
Rights Available: Worldwide excluding Malay Language rights
Children's Books
Publisher : Beijing Bangson Culture Co.,Ltd.
Language :
Rights Sold : HongKong, Macao, Taiwan