Publisher : Beijing Dandelion Publishing Company

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Gerelchimeg Blackcrane

Illustrated by : Jiu Er

Original Language : China

Rights sold in : The United Arab Emirates (Arabic), HK China & Macao China (Traditional Chinese)

Hardcover : 60 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-7221167026

Dimensions : 270mm×270mm

Content Abstract:
This book, based on the event of the northward migration of the Asian elephant group “Short Nose Family” in Yunnan in 2021, vividly presents the collision between elephants and human civilization, and discusses the eternal topic of how people and animals live together! Specifically, it tells a story of a group of elephants suddenly leaving their home. Along the way, they crossed mountains and rivers, gave birth to a group of baby elephants, and then came to the human habitat where everything was so strange to them. Their huge bodies ruined the houses and their big feet damaged the crops, while humans were looking at them from a distance.
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