Publisher : UUM PRESS
Category : Education & Reference
Author Name : Mohan Rathakrishnan & Arumugam Raman
Original Language : Malaysia
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 154 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9670031316
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This book provides an excellent illustration of the need of critical thinking skills in the evaluation, creation, validation, and presentation of reasoning processes in education. Readers are also able to observe the variations in teaching methods because critical thinking skills are being practiced in the educational system in various Asian nations.
This book provides an overview of studies the author conducted to advance knowledge and is appropriate for reference-related critical thinking. Each chapter’s themes are explained in simple terms, so the reader won’t have any trouble comprehending them. Additionally, it instructs educators to consider two things: the way that students are currently behaving in the classroom and any potential talents they may have.
In fact, this book may also serve as a vital source of information for scholars studying the value of critical thinking abilities in the educational setting as well as students, lecturers, and teachers in schools, colleges, and further education institutions.
Education & Reference
Publisher : UUM PRESS
Language :
Education & Reference
Publisher : Bookmark
Language :
Rights Sold : None
Education & Reference
Publisher : Bookmark
Language :
Rights Sold : None