Publisher : Malaysian Institute Of Translation & Books
Category : Generic
Author Name : Rita Abdul Rahman Ramakrishna
Original Language : United Kingdom
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 100 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9674608941
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At the intersection of social realities, cultural practices, language norms and linguistic complexities, researching language(s) indicate multidimensional, yet transparent relationships concerning theories, approaches and observations. In describing viewpoints that are consistent to the contexts undertaken, researchers always adopt and adapt variables and categories in order to encompass prospects related to the respective fields of investigation. Attempts to apply the relevant concepts and approaches mitigate the need to be rhetorical in handling wider range of informed conclusions involving cultures, languages and societies. In particular, they extend the bases of inquiry in settings that contain the reflex of both (fairly) traditional and contemporary structured research elements that make the studies definite in their own ways.
Research Spheres in English Language Studies is a collection that reverberates practical threads and meaningful implications within the contexts of literature and linguistic studies. The series of approaches and findings affirm the interlacing variants in claiming the significance of the studies within the embedded spheres of descriptive cross-cultural analyses and defined patterns of variables. They explore modest, yet renewed synergy between different inquiries and distinctive findings. To some researchers, it is these footprints in substantiated attributions and guided precepts that further chart their research journey.
Publisher : USIM PRESS
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Publisher : Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books
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