Publisher : UUM PRESS

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Lee Su Teng, Harlida Abdul Wahab, Ong Lin Dar, Rosmawani Che Hashim & Yong Chen Chen

Original Language : Malaysia

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 190 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9670031132

Dimensions :

This book is about managing the employees’ well-being. It discusses problematic employees and ways to improve safety in the workplace. It addresses employees’ common poor behaviour, including those who go absent without official leave (AWOL), are impolite, miss deadlines, damage the teams’ morale, and are costly to the organisation.

Fortunately, not all problematic employees are futile. This book helps employers identify, change, and manage them legally to avoid a costly lawsuit. At the end of the book, there will be a practical guide to enhancing safety and health in the workplace.

This book is designed to provide readers with an honest and comprehensive explanation of relevant employment law and a practical, hands-on guide on dealing with problematic employees while maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.

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