The Psychology of Exercise

Publisher : Taylor And Francis Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Josephine Perry Original Language : United Kingdom

Publisher : Taylor And Francis

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Josephine Perry

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 130 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-0367370848

Dimensions :

Why should we exercise? When should we exercise? Why don’t we exercise?

The Psychology of Exercise separates fact from fiction, delving into key theories, ideas, and the impact of life stages on when, why, and how we exercise. It explores the barriers and motivators to exercise for children, teenagers, adults, and retirees as well as for those living with a chronic health condition. It shows how when we personalise activity programmes, exercise becomes a life-affirming, life-lengthening habit.

Using real-life case studies from those who work with exercisers at all levels, The Psychology of Exercise shows us the huge value that comes from exercising in every stage of our lives.

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