Lets Learn Mathematics Part 2

Publisher : Bookmark Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Shazia Pinky Illustrated by : N/A Original Language : United Kingdom Rights sold in : None

Publisher : Bookmark

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Shazia Pinky

Illustrated by : N/A

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in : None

Paperback : 68 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9697587780

Dimensions : 280mmx210mm

Let’s Learn Mathematics is a highly productive pair for two terms. It's simple and conceptual inspiring images will definitely give a firm grasp to counting and fine motor skills. This term based course is tailored to enable pupils at pre-primary level to progressively enhance their knowledge in Mathematics. Numerous practice and interesting exercises will effectively cater to sustain children’s attention.

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