Publisher : UUM PRESS Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Ahmed Abubakar & Haim Hilman Abdullah Original Language : Malaysia

Publisher : UUM PRESS

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Ahmed Abubakar & Haim Hilman Abdullah

Original Language : Malaysia

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 108 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9670031040

Dimensions :

It is not by chance that the issue of university competitiveness has gained prominence. The university rankings have become a significant part of the tertiary education landscape globally. Establishing Competitive University: A Strategic Management Perspective is a book that provides higher education institutions, particularly university stakeholders, with the knowledge they need to establish a flagship university.

The book has three parts, namely: competitive university and performance excellence; strategic factors for university competitiveness; and theories, strategic model, and techniques for university competitiveness. It explains competitive universities’ performance excellence and provides a model for university competitiveness that focuses on factors like strategy, structure, leadership, talent management, technology integration, and quality culture.

These factors are strategic to the development of a university that can compete in the ranking tables across the globe. The book also explains the techniques for high placement in the world university ranking.

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