Computer Science Book-3

Publisher : Bookmark Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Sadaf Yousuf Illustrated by : N/A Original Language : United Kingdom Rights sold in : None

Publisher : Bookmark

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Sadaf Yousuf

Illustrated by : N/A

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in : None

Paperback : 96 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9697587049

Dimensions : 280mmx210mm

Computer Science series is a comprehensive computing course up to secondary level. This thoroughly revised edition is empowered with colourful pictures, illustrative diagrams, real-life examples, 'Chapter Overview', end-of-chapter 'Exercises', additional information in 'TitBits', 'Research Work' and a 'Glossary' of important terms. It introduces key concepts and provides information on major topics in a very clear and concise manner. It aims to promote technical competencies within the children. The language used in this set of books is simple yet easy to get into the mind of young learners.

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