Until You #เรียกแด๊ดสิธาร

Publisher : Satapornbooks Categories : Fiction Author Name : CEO Illustrated by : Raineemeow Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Satapornbooks

Category : Fiction

Author Name : CEO

Illustrated by : Raineemeow

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 632 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6160043835

Dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm


“Saitharn Wattanawanich,” a young man with bad experiences about love and relationships, never expects to easily find someone who loves him wholeheartedly. Many people spend their whole lives seeking the right one, but to Saitharn, that right one might not even exist. This idea always remains clear in his mind. Until one day when he goes on a trip, he meets “Sila Wongwatcharaphaisal,” the owner of a hotel and the Phu Saeng Dao Farm and a stranger who has become his lender, his boss, and his bed partner within just a few days! With this newly constructed friendship, their lives and their hearts are going to change… for good.

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