Publisher : Edebé
Category : Teen & Young Adult
Author Name : Care Santo
Original Language : Spain
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 224 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468355900
Dimensions : 13 × 20.5 cm
How do we show ourselves to others, how do others see us, how are we with ourselves? This harsh realist novel is a fiction masterfully created by Care Santos, but it could perfectly be a journalistic investigation on a true event, one of those that, when you hear it on the TV or radio, shake your conscience and makes you wonder how could something like this has happened? How could someone so young commit such an atrocity? Many people may think that there are some things that are better ignored. But then, how can we prevent that they happen again? Do you dare to face your third mask? Each chapter of this book introduces you to a different character from Diana’s environment. Each one speaks in first person about Diana and their relationship with her. In the first part, people from her everyday life speak; in the second part, it is the turn of the ones she loved; in the third part, Diana herself narrates the story.
Teen & Young Adult
Publisher : edebé
Language :
Rights Sold : lban Barrenetxea
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Teen & Young Adult
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Language :
Rights Sold : Russian
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